Valid Value List
SW9065 Phenolics (Spectrophotometric, Manual 4-AAP with Distillation)
SW9066 Phenolics (Colorimetric, Automated 4-AAP with Distillation)
SW9071 HISTORICAL: Oil and Grease Extraction Method for Sludge Samples
SW9071A Oil and Grease Extraction Method for Sludge and Sediment Samples
SW9071B n-Hexane Extract. Mat. (HEM) for Sludge, Sed., and Solids
SW9073D SW-846:Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Total Recoverable (Sept1989 Draft)
SW9076 Total Chlorine in Petroleum Products by Oxidative Combst.
SW9076D HISTORICAL: Draft Total Cl in Petrol. Products by Ox. Combst.
SW9077 Total Chlorine in New and Used Petroleum Products
SW9081 EPA 9081 Cation-Exchange Capacity of Soils SW9081.pdf
SW9095 Paint Filter Liquids Test
SW9100 Sat. Hydraulic Cond., Sat. Leachate Cond., and Intrinsic Perm. SW9100.pdf
SW9131 Total Coliform: Multiple Tube Fermentation Technique
SW9132 Total Coliform: Membrane-Filter Technique
SW9214 Fluoride in Aqueous Samples using Ion-Selective Electrode SW9214.pdf
SW9251 Chloride (Colorimetric, Automated Ferricyanide AAII)
SW9252 Chloride (Titrimetric, Mercuric Nitrate)
SW9253 Chloride (Titrimetric, Silver Nitrate)
SW9310 Gross Alpha and Gross Beta SW9310.pdf
SW9315 Alpha-Emitting Radium Isotopes SW9315.pdf
SW9320 Radium-228
SWVOL HISTORICAL: Combined Methods SW8010/SW8020, Same Column
TAQH Total Aqueous Hydrocarbons (TAH+TOTPAH)
TAQHSIM Total Aqueous Hydrocarbons (TAH+TOTPAH) - (GC/MS) SIM
THM01 USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.1 - Temp. by Thermister
TIM-001 Inorganic Ammonia by Continuous Flow Gas Diffusion and Conductivity Cell Analysis - Timberline-001 TIM-001.pdf
TLLC065 Phthalic Acid and Maleic Acid in Water and Soil by HPLC (TestAmerica 6/2010)
TO15M Determ. of VOCs in Air by GC/MS, Non-Canister Containers
TO15SIM Determ. of VOCs in Air by GC/MS, Collected in Canisters - SIM
TO17PSR Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Ambient Air Using Passive Sampler (Radiello 130)
TOTCAT Total Cations
TPHCWGF TPH Criteria Working Group (CWG) Fractionation
TS117 LaMotte Instruments, sensor model 3000e, NTRU
TT040 USGS TWRI5-A1/1989, p 57 - Alkalinity by Electrometric Titration
TX1005 TNRCC Method 1005 -Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (Texas) TX1005.pdf
TX1006D TNRCC Method 1006 Draft - Characterization of nC6 to nC35 Petroleum Hydrocarbons (Texas)
UL09 Method UL09, Rocky Mountain Arsenal
ULK09 Determination of DIMP and DMMP in Soil by GC/FPD
ULL05 Determination of Organosulfur Compounds in Soil by GC
ULL9 Determination of Thiodiglycol and Chloroacetic Acid in Soil
ULT04 Determination of Organic Acids in Soil by Ion Chromatography
UNETMET Determin. of Etridiazole and Metabolites -Unpublished North Coast
USDA42 USDA-Kellog Soil Survey Laboratory Methods Manual, Soil Survey Investigations Report No. 42 (2004)
USDA60 USDA Handbook No. 60: Exchangeable Sodium Percentage
USDA60P USDA Handbook No. 60 (21a) - pH (paste)
UW46 Method UW46, Rocky Mountain Arsenal
VFAW VFAW - Volatile Fatty Acids Water - (Dionex Application Note 123)
VOCGCMS Volatile Organic Compounds by Purge&Trap GC/MS (EPA 624/SW8260B)
WA418.1 Modified for State of Washington Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons
WBLACK Walkley-Black Method, Organic Carbon (TOC)
WDOEEPH State of Washington Dept. of Ecology EPH Method WDOEEPH.pdf
WDOEVPH State of Washington Dept. of Ecology VPH Method WDOEVPH.pdf
WHCID State of Washington Hydrocarbon Identification
WHT03 USGS TWRI5-A1/1989, p 461 - Specific Cond by Wheatstone Bridge
WITEMP State of Wisconsin DNR PUBL-DG-038 96 Method for Temperature
WPHC State of Washington Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons
WTATB GEL SOP for Ion Chromatography (IC) - TATB
WTPH-D State of Washington Diesel Range Organics
WTPH-G State of Washington Gasoline Range Organics
XHPC IDEXX's SimPlate Method for HPC in Water

If you notice an error or omission in the valid value list or anywhere on this site, please contact us at - Thank you!