Valid Value List
HL Analyte recovery above established limit
HM Analyte recovery below established limit
HN Low concentration matrix spike recovery out of limits
HO High concentration matrix spike recovery out of limits
HP Low concentration blank spike recovery out of limits
HQ High concentration blank spike recovery out of limits
HR Post-digestion spike
HS Spike analyte recovery is outside stated control limits
HT Analytical value calculated using results from associated tests
HU Sample diluted beyond ability to quantitate % recovery and RPD
HV Standard preparation factor adjusted, or aliquot diluted
HW SW3660B clean-up method performed
HX Spike recovery out of limits, but QC batch considered in control
HY Surrogate recov. unquantifiable; coeluting organics in sample
HZ Hydrocarbon result partly due to individ. peak(s) in diesel range
IA Results are valid even though CCV recovery outside of limits
IB CCV recovery above limit; analyte not detected
IC Calib. verif. is within method limits but outside contract limits
ID Analyte identified by RT & presence of single mass ion
IE Surrogate not added to this sample
IF Sample result is greater than reported value
IG See Corrective Action Report
IH Calibrtn. verif. recov. below method CL for this analyte
IJ Calibrtn. verif. recov. above method CL for this analyte
IK The average % difference for all analytes met method criteria
IL RPD exceeds laboratory control limit
IM Method does not include this analyte as part of compound list
IN Molecular wght of 100 used to convert VFH from mg/m3 to ppmv
IO Contract limits originate from BP-GCLN Technical Requirements
IP Parameter detected in method, trip, or equipment blank
IQ Sample failed preservation or hold time requirements of SW-846
IR Sample failed QC spec. by method or requirements of s. NR 149.14
IS Reporting limit elevated due to pres. of analyte in method blank
IT Temperature during TCLP extraction exceeded SW1311 range
IU Chromatogram resembles Aviation Gas-100LL - no Toluene detected
IV When high MTBE, potential for breakdown of MTBE into methanol
IX No Flash detected up to 200 degrees F
IY The analyte concentration is derived from a single calibration pt
IZ Analytical results not reliable--potential samp. contain. contam.
J EPA Flag - Estimated value
JA Analyte positively identified but quanitation is an estimate
K Dioxin: Result is an estimated maximum possible concentration.
K1 Dioxin:The conc.of this analyte should be considered an estimate
LA Confirmatory analysis was past holding time.
LB Confirmatory analysis past hold time. Orig.result not confirmed.
LC Original analysis a positive result. Reanalysis did not confirm.
LD Confirmatory analysis not performed as required by the method.
LE Confirmation not performed. Analyte present in historical data
LF Chrom. pattern in diesel range more closely resembles kerosene.
LG Surrogate recovery below the acceptance limits.
LH Surrogate recovery above the acceptance limits.
LI Acid surr. below limits. Data accept. based on other 2 acid surr.
LJ Acid surr. above limits. Data accept. based on other 2 acid surr.
LK B/N surr. below limits. Data accept. based on other 2 B/Nsurr.
LL B/N surr. above limits. Data accept. based on other 2 B/Nsurr.
LM MS and/or MSD above acceptance limits. See Blank Spike(LCS).
LN MS and/or MSD below acceptance limits. See Blank Spike(LCS).
LO MS and/or MSD result unavailable. Batch accept. based on LCS rec.
LP LCS rec.above meth. control limits. Analyte ND. Data not impacted
LQ LCS recovery above method control limits.
LR LCS recovery below method control limits.
LS Analyte%RSD>meth. calib.accept.limits. Avg%RSD for all meet SW846
LT RPD calc. does not provide useful info due to sample wt variation
LU Unquant. hydrocarbons in sample, outside reported carbon range.
LV Non-fuel pattern present.
LW Quantitated against gasoline.
LX Quantitated against diesel fuel.
LY Sample(stored at >0C,<4C) prep > 8hr reg. HT. Anal. w/in meth. HT
LZ Sample(stored at >0C,<4C) receipt >8hr HT. Anal w/in meth. HT
M A matrix effect is present.
MA MS/MSD results unavail. due to failed CCV; batch accepted per LCS
MB Analyte present in the method blank
MC Sample received unpreserved but analyzed within 7 days
MD Identity of individual peak(s) confirmed by GCMS
ME Initial analysis within holding time but required confirmation
MF Sample received chemically preserved - pH measured in lab > 2.0
MG This analyte is a suspected lab contaminant
MH Analyte determined to be in travel blank before left lab
MI Hold time compliance not determined; no sample time on COC
MJ Sample was injected past the method specified tuning time period.
MZ 1 deg. ion is at RT but hydrocarbs interfere with 2 deg. ion eval
N EPA Flag - Presumptive evidence of a compound
ND Sample was ND
NG The reported result is a negative value
OA Analyte over-range when run undiluted. Diluted result below PQL.
OB Surrogate and QC reported in ug/L.
OC Result not bracketed by accept.cal check due to inst. malfunction
OD Present
OE Absent
OF Aggressive
OG Non-aggressive
OH Report limit raised due to inadequate response at lowest cal.
OI Rep.limit raised: carryover from contam samp earlier in analy seq
OJ All samples & QC in batch analyzed to meet high-level rep limits
OK Incubation performed at 35C for 48hrs in plate count agar
OL Result may be biased high due to carry over from prior analysis.
OM EMPC/NDR Peak detected does not meet ratio criteria (elevated DL)
ON MDL raised due to matrix interference.
OQ Positive - (+)
OR Heterotrophic bacteria colonies too numerous to count.

If you notice an error or omission in the valid value list or anywhere on this site, please contact us at help@edfhelpdesk.com - Thank you!