Valid Value List
HMPL H.M. Pitt Labs, Inc., National City, CA
HMSC Hazard Management Consulting, Inc., San Clemente, CA
HPLE H&P Mobile Geochemistry, Inc., Carlsbad, CA
HPUD Herlong Public Utility District, Herlong, CA
HRCC Humboldt Redwood Company, Calpella, CA
HREM Harrison/Roberts Environmental Management, Los Alamitos, CA
HRGT Hargis & Associates, Tucson, AZ
HRLM Hughes Research Laboratories, Malibu, CA
HSA Hydrosource, Albany, CA
HSEB HerSchy Environmental, Bass Lake, CA
HTG Handex-Trustfund, Golden, CO
HTI Hydro-Terra, Inc., Columbia, MD
HVNH HVN Environmental Service Co., Inc., Huntington Beach, CA
HWIE Honeywell, Inc., El Segundo, CA
HWLQ Henrici Water Laboratory, Quincy, CA
IABC Icon Agricultural, LLC, Bakersfield, CA
IBMA IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA
IBMC IBM Corporation, San Jose, CA
ICAF Independent Consultant Associated, Fairbanks, AK
ICES Innovative & Creative Env. Solutions (ICES), Emeryville, CA
ICFI ICF, Irvine, CA
ICFK ICF Kaiser Engineers, Boston, MA
ICFP ICF Kaiser Engineers, Pittsburgh, PA
ICFR ICF Technology, Inc., Richland, WA
ICIL Integral Consulting Inc., Larkspur, CA
ICMS Industrial Construction Management Svcs., Vacaville, CA
ICRC Integrated Concept Research Corporation, Eagle River, AK
ICSC Italix Company, Inc., Santa Clara, CA
ICSD I-Cubed Consulting, San Diego, CA
ICSF Integral Consulting Inc., San Francisco, CA
ICSW Innovative Construction Solutions, Inc., Westminster, CA
IEEA Insight Environmental Engineering Const. Inc., Anaheim, CA
IEES Insight Environmental Engineering Const. Inc., Sacramento, CA
IEIC Iris Environmental, Irvine, CA
IELA InterPhase Environmental, Inc., Los Angeles, CA
IEM Island Energy, Mare Island, CA
IEO Iris Environmental, Oakland, CA
IERW Innovative Environmental Remediation, Inc., Walnut Creek, CA
IESE Innovative Environmental Solutions, Encinitas, CA
IESF Impact Environmental Services, Fremont, CA
IESI Innovative Engineering Solutions, Inc., San Francisco, CA
IESL Integrated Enviromental Services, Inc., Lake Forest, CA
IESU Icon Environmental Services, Union City, CA
IEUA Inland Empire Utilities Agency, Chino, CA
IGO International Geologic, Oakland, CA
IMCG IMC Geologic, Inc., Chico, CA
INFT Inframark, Tracy, CA
INRS Infineon Raceway, Sonoma, CA
INSO INSITU Technologies, Orlando, FL
IPCI Integrated Performance Consultants, Irvine, CA
IPSI Intertek-PSI, Santa Fe Springs, CA
IRCS IRC Environmental Consulting, San Jose, CA
IRWD Irvine Ranch Water District, Los Alisos Water Reclamation Plant, Lake Forest, CA
IRWI Irvine Ranch Water District, Irvine, CA
ISDO Ironhouse Sanitary District, Oakley, CA
ISM Inspectorate, Martinez, CA
ISWT Indian Springs Wastewater Treatment Plant (California American Water), Salinas, CA
ITLB IT Environmental Liquidating Trust, Benicia, CA
ITMP IT Environmental, LLC, Menlo Park, CA
ITSI Innovative Technical Solutions, Inc., Walnut Creek, CA
ITW IT Corporation, Walnut Creek, CA
IWM Industrial Waste, Montclair, CA
IWSW IWS Environmental, Westminster, CA
JAFB John Allen Farms, Inc., Bakersfield, CA
JAIS JNE & Associates, Inc., San Diego, CA
JAM Jonas and Associates, Martinez, CA
JASA JAG Consulting Group, Inc., Santa Ana, CA
JASD Jonas and Associates, San Diego , CA
JBEP J&B Environmental, Inc., Phelan, CA
JBRF J. B. Rogers, San Francisco, CA
JCCM J. C. Click Driller, Mesa, AZ
JDRE JDR Environmental, Pacific Palisades, CA
JDSG JD Smith Consulting, El Dorado, CA
JDSR JDS Uniphase, Santa Rosa, CA
JECL Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., Clovis, CA
JECS JE Compliance Services, Inc., Rancho Cucamonga, CA
JEG Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., Denver, CO
JEGA Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., Anchorage, AK
JEGG Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., Gilroy, CA
JEGP Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., Pasadena, CA
JEGS Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., Sacramento, CA
JEMI JEM Industries, Inc., Irvine, CA
JESR Jorgensen Environmental, San Ramon, CA
JFGO Jeff Findl, Geologist, Oceanside, CA
JFHM J. F. Hoffman, Merced, CA
JGCS Jim Glomb Consulting, Sebastopol, CA
JHAI Jacob & Hefner Associates, Irvine, CA
JHDC John H. Dailey, Consulting Geotechnical Engr., San Francisco, CA
JHSF John L. Hunter and Associates, Santa Fe Springs, CA
JHYA J.H. Yang & Associates, San Ramon, CA
JJAA Jacobson James & Associates, Inc., Auburn , CA
JJSD Johnson & Johnson PRD, San Diego, CA
JJWG JJW Geosciences, Inc., Rancho Cordova, CA
JLAM JL Analytical Services, Modesto, CA
JLF John Love, Fairfield, CA
JLPU June Lake Public Utility District, June Lake, CA
JMCW James M. Montgomery, Consulting Engineers, Walnut Creek, CA
JMKS JMK Environmental Solutions, Inc., San Fernando, CA
JMNF Jack McNamara Field (CEC) Airport, Crescent City, CA
JMSL James M. Montgomery, Consulting Engineers, Salt Lake City, UT

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