Valid Value List
A5520EF Standard Methods(20th) 5520EF: Sludge-Silica Gel Separation
A5520F Standard Method (19th) 5520 F: Oil & Grease Hydrocarbons
A5520F2 Standard Methods(20th) 5520F: Hydrocarbons-Silica Gel Separation
A5540A Standard Method 5540 A: Surfactants (MBAS)
A5540C Standard Method 5540 C: Determ. of Methylene Blue Active Subst.
A5540D Standard Method 5540 D: Nonionic Surfactants as CTAS
A5550B Standard Method 5550 B: Tannin and Lignin
A5910B Standard Method (20th) 5910 B: UVAOC by Ultraviolet Absorption
A6200 Standard Methods 6200: Volatile Organic Compounds #1
A6251 Standard Methods 6251: Disinfection By-Products: Haloacetic Acids and Trichlorophenol
A6251B Standard Methods 6251 B: Disinfection By-Products By Micro Liquid-Liquid Extraction GC
A7110B Standard Method (19th) 7110 B: Evap. Method for Gross Alpha-Beta
A7110C Standard Method 7110 C: Coprec. Method for Gross Alpha-Beta
A7500RN Standard Methods 7500 Rn: Radon Liquid Scintillation Method
A8010F Standard Method (18th) 8010F: Toxicity Test Systems, Mat. & Proc.
A9215B Standard Method 9215 B: Heterotrophic Plate Count-Pour Plate
A9215D Standard Method 9215 D: Heterotrophic Plate Count-Membrane Filter
A9215E Standard Method 9215 E: Heterotrophic Plate Enzyme Substrate
A9221B Standard Method 9221 B: Total Coliform Fermentation Technique
A9221BE Standard Method 9221 B&E: Total & Fecal Coliform
A9221BF Standard Method 9221 B&F: Total Coliform & Escherichia coli
A9221E Standard Method 9221 E: Fecal Coliform
A9221F Standard Method 9221F: Escherichia coli Procedure (Proposed)
A9222B Standard Method 9222 B: Total Coliform Membrane Filter Procedure
A9222D Standard Method 9222 D: Fecal Coliform
A9223B Standard Method (19th) 9223 B: Chromogenic Substrate Coliform
A9230B Standard Method (19th) 9230 B: Fecal Strep Multiple Tube Tech.
A9230D Standard Method 9230 D: Fluorogenic Substrate Enterococcus Test (2007)
A9240D Standard Method 9240 D: Isolation of Iron and Sulfur Bacteria
A9260D Standard Method (18th) 9260 D: Quantitative Salmonella Proc.
AB1803 California DHS Method for EDB and DBCP in Water
AG7-2.2 Percent Moisture
AGGINDC Aggressive Index Calculation
AHERA Bulk Asbestos-40CFR763, Subpart E, Appendix A
AK101 Gasoline Range Organics, Alaska Dept. of Environment. Conserv.
AK101AA Gasoline Range Organics (Aliphatics/Aromatics), ADEC
AK101E State of Alaska Method 101 Extended (AK101/BTEX)
AK102 Diesel Range Organics, Alaska Dept. of Environment. Conserv.
AK1023S Diesel and Residual Range Organics, Silica Gel Clean-up, AK Dept. of Env.
AK102AA Diesel Range Organics (Aliphatics/Aromatics), ADEC
AK102E State of Alaska Method 102 Extended (AK102/AK103)
AK102SG Diesel Range Organics, Silica Gel Clean-up, AK Dept. of Env.
AK102_3 State of Alaska Method 102 Extended (AK102/AK103)
AK103 State of Alaska Residual Range Hydrocarbons
AK103AA Residual Range Organics (Aliphatics/Aromatics), ADEC
AK103SG Residual Range Organics, Silica Gel Clean-up, AK Dept. of Env.
AKD HISTORICAL: State of Alaska Method for Diesel
AKG HISTORICAL: State of Alaska Method for Gasoline
AKPHSIM Alkyl Phenols by GC/MS - SIM
ALGOR NWIS User's Manual, QW System - Computation Algorithm
AM20GAX Analytical Method for Dissolved Gases ( Trace RSK-175 Microseeps)
AM23G IC Deter. of Low Level Volatile Fatty Acids (SW9056 Derived)
AMS02 Carbon-14 by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
ANASULF APPL Method for Sulfolane by GC by Method Sulfolane
ANCATSM Anion-Cation Sum
ANO3NO2 Standard Method 4500E NO3/4500B NO2: Nitrate/Nitrite
AOFCIC Adsorbable Organic Fluorine (AOF) in Aqueous Matrices by Combustion Ion Chromatography - Eurofin SOP
APIRP40 American Petroleum Inst. Recommended Practice 40 Core Analysis
APIRP45 American Petroleum Inst. Recommended Practice 45 for Analysis of Oilfield Waters
APPJPOM 40 CRF 50 Appendix J - Particulate Organic Matter
AS011 Gross Alpha Radioactivity, Thorium-230
AS089 Uranium-234 by Alpha Spectrometry
AS101 Uranium-235 by Alpha Spectrometry
AS105 Uranium-238, Water by Alpha Spectrometry
ASA1033 ASA (1982) 10-3.3: Electrical Conductivity
ASA13 ASA (1986) 13: Bulk Density
ASA18 ASA (1986) 18: Porosity
ASA2451 ASA (1982) 24-5.1: Phosphorus Soluble in Dilute Acid-Fluoride
ASA39 ASA (1982) 39: Heterotrophic Plate Count
ASTMD93 Flash Point, (Open Cup)
ASTMPSH Particle Size Analysis of Soils - With/Without Hydrometer (ASTM D6913/D7928)
BC004 Gross Beta Radioactivity, Cesium-137
BDTL Bligh and Dyer Method for Total Lipids
BNASIM GC/MS-SIM Analysis of Selected BNA's by SW8270
BTINSED GC/MS Deter.of Butyltin Compounds in Sediment(B.Korean Chem 2004)
BTSN GC Determ. of Butyltins in Water (Chemosphere, Vol. 15, No. 4)
BTSNTOT Total Butyltins
CA30791 GC/SCD Reduced Sulfur Analysis (based on SCAQMD Method 307-91)
CA410 CARB Method 410A -Determin. Benzene Stationary Sources(alt units)
CA410A CARB Method 410A-Determination of Benzene from Stationary Sources
CA435 Asbestos(Carb435) 400 point count
CAGBTEX CA LUFT Method for Volatiles by GC/GRO (SW8021B/CATPH-G)
CALCCR3 Calculation for Trivalent Chromium: Total Cr - Hexavalent Cr
CALCFE2 Calculation for Ferrous Iron: Total Iron - Ferric Iron
CALCFE3 Calculation for Ferric Iron: Total Iron - Ferrous Iron
CALCMOI Calculation of Percent Moisture for Dry-Weight Determination
CALCN Calculation for Total Nitrogen: TKN + NO2 + NO3
CALCNH3 Florida DEP Method: Calc. of Un-Ionized Ammonia in Fresh Water
CALCNIO Calculation for Inorganic Nitrogen: NO2 + NO3 + NH3
CALCNO Calculation for Organic Nitrogen: NH3 - TKN
CALCPOR Calculation for Porosity
CALCRAI Calculation for Radium Isotopes: Radium-226 + Radium-228
CALCU Calculation for Uranium
CALCVAL Calculated value
CALUFTG California LUFT GC/FID Method
CAPBO CA LUFT Method for Determination of Organic Lead (DHS Method)
CARB429 CA ARB-Determ. of PAH Emissions from Stationary Sources
CATFH CA LUFT Method for Total Fuel Hydrocarbons
CATPH CA LUFT Method for TPH (Semi-Volatiles) by GC/MS (low level)
CATPH-D CA LUFT Method for Diesel Range Organics

If you notice an error or omission in the valid value list or anywhere on this site, please contact us at - Thank you!